Local Government Association (LGA) water management

EcoSAT includes a fully integrated monitoring and automation control function allowing it to operate in a broad range of non-standard applications with customization options to meet a range of needs.
Application examples include:
​Tidal and floodway level monitoring for roadways
Environmental monitoring:- TDS, salinity, water table monitoring with options for easy spreadhseet reporting
Bulk water distribution, metering and management
Options to enable audio visual (AV) alerts for specific events, e.g. flooded roadways
Includes power supply, solar charger and connectivity. Everything you need is in the box.
Moving 200 kL/day over 6.2kms for the people of Cowell
"Due to high static heads (100m) the pumps are not on pressure switches, the tank levels are monitored and linked via a satellite SCADA system (EcoSAT GOLD) supplied by Station Innovation. We have visibility of tank levels pump status, history and alarms which are triggered if levels reach a pre-set high and low points all of which can be adjusted remotely.
The control system has now operated without fault for the last 3 years, I highly recommend Station Innovation and the EcoSAT system."
Darren, District Council of Franklin Harbour

Ingkerreke Services - Remote power and water management

Located approximately 50 km North-West of Alice Springs a small outstation is provided power and water managed by Ingkerreke services. Ingkerreke services are a long running local service provider with the mission to provide services that will enable Aboriginal people to continue to reside on their homelands.
Using the EcoSAT GOLD they are able to manage their diesel fuel usage and refueling services as well as power and water demands. With absolutely no mobile coverage the EcoSAT GOLD is the perfect product for the job using direct to satellite communications for monitoring both directly connected sensors and third party inputs such as fault outputs from the local power inverters. ​
Not only is the EcoSAT product capable of attaching directly to a range of sensors, it can also integrate with third party SCADA systems for more detailed informaion.
Examples include:​
Power inverters and battery systems
Smart pumps and pump controllers
Water meters for multi-value reporting
Weather stations
Water quality sensors:- TDS, salinity, dissolved CO2

Urban sewer pit monitoring

When Shadforth Civil (Queenslands largest family owned civil contractors) needed reliable level measurement of their urban development sewers, they turned to EcoSAT. With the specific requirement to work with the Octave water meter for its unique capabilities, EcoSAT became a plug and play solution complete with connectivity, power source and solar charger.
Capable of reading many paramaters in a single sensor, including flow in both forward and reverse, flow rate and total volume the EcoSAT provides multi-parameter records using a single sensor port on the pictured (left) EcoSAT BLUE.